Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Chapter 19 PART 2

Today in class I compared the Man in Yellow to a snake because I feel that he slithers up to people and sneaks around trying to get close to people.

-What else could you compare him to?  It could be an animal, another person, a person from another book or movie...below please compare him to something else and explain why they are alike.


  1. A tiger or cat because they slink up to a person and they dont really talk that much just like the man in the yellow suit

  2. I can compare him to count olaf from the series of unseries of unforunate events because he is also a nasty person and makes things on a legal contract.

  3. I think he's sort of like a bubble, growing and growing, becoming big and dominant, and right before his big victory, he pops!

  4. i like sophia's idea of a bubble :)

  5. I think the man in the yellow suit is like a fox in fables, because they are very clever to trick someone for him or herself.

  6. Sophia, I really like your idea of a bubble, and Max, he does compare to Count Olaf. Have you read the whole series? I would compare him to Voldemort from Harry Potter because he uses people. He uses Winnie and the Tucks to get the wood, the constable to arrest the Tucks, and he WANTS to use Winnie and the Tucks for advertisement but they say no.

  7. Good answers from ALL of you. He does remind me of several "evil" characters I've read about in other books. He also reminds me of Sysiphus from the Greek myths we've read.

  8. oh ya he manipulates people to do what he wants to do and then just's ditches them

  9. I think the man in the yellow suit is a cheetah because he's slik, fast - thinking, and sneaky.
