Friday, December 3, 2010

Chapter 12 Question

How is the movement of water important to the discussion that Tuck and Winnie have while in the boat?


  1. the movement of water is important because it's represents the cycle of how life goes

  2. The movement of the water is important because it helps describe the movement of the wheel or circle of life and how the the Tucks are not in it.

  3. I agree with Max. The Tucks describe how the water cycle is like the circle of life. In the water cycle it rains down on the pond and the new water that poured in( new born child) goes down a stream( growing up) and reaches the ocean meet with othe rivers or streams(...). Then the rain evaporates and forms a cloud, which pours down in the pond again( new born baby). The water cycle is like the circle of life.

  4. Water never stops moving like the circle of life, it ends and begins but it never stops. The Tucks (as oddly as it sounds) want to die and be a part of the changing cirle again

  5. it represents a cycle, which the tucks r no longer in. angus is trying to explain to winnie that she wont want to get kicked off the cycle cause she will regret it later
