Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Vocabulary Words

   A lot of the time as we read we tend to just skip over those words that make us think "what in the world does that mean?"  Lets make this the place where we list those words.  If someone else knows what it means then please add a comment telling us what you think it means.
   It would be helpful if you told us all what page this word was on.

-humble p. 5


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Humble (adj.) - modest, simple, the antonym of magnificent or grand. It is good to be somewhat humble because it means you are not selfish or a prima donna, prima donnas are so vulgar and repulsive!

  3. That is so something you would say Aiden! I am not surprised at all that you ended up as the one to answer that. :D

  4. Oh, by the way. I don't think I will be able to do the big 6-5 chat tonight (if it happens). I hope you guys have fun, and maybe we can plan to do another one. Have a good Veterans day!

  5. I hate cheese. (unless it's Colby-jack cheese!)

  6. i was just kidding i just love cheese with everything

  7. how come we are the only ones who actually wrote anything i mean aren't we all sopose to comment

  8. hello guys! im gonna start a vocab story we can all add inn!!!!!

    Once upon a time in a TRANQUIL village lived a teenager named Kendall. She was walking one day in the park when at an ABRUPT moment she....

  9. me im on
    ill finish your story

    she saw her best friend, who waved to her. They both lived in EUROPE, and the POPULATION was big and still growing. The streets were crowded, and the alleys seemed EVERLASTING. So she said to her friend...

  10. This comment has been removed by the author.

  11. hi im on do you want to continue the vocab story?

  12. heyy guys im onn!!!! whi wants to finish itt?

  13. this is weird no one went on 8 ditchers no but really why didn't anyone go on

  14. i still dont get wat tranquil means...

  15. morning!!!! might go to megeming
    P.S. tranquil means calm it was a tranquil day full of sunshine with not a lot of movement you could just hear the birds singing thats about it

  16. Oh, Ido. Tranquil means calm, relaxed, and/or quiet. Ido, you gave an example but you didn't define it.

  17. haha. this is so awesomely funny! I am laughing so much for really no apparent reason. I just realized that the times that we posted stuff is all messed up. It say s that you posted at 3:53 AM! wooowwwwwww

  18. um, we have to write the Vocab English story (5 vocab words) and I have Spanish, but I don't know about you

  19. This comment has been removed by the author.

  20. This is a cool blog. I never used a blog before. Happy veterans day!

  21. wow how rude no one says hi to ben alexander.

  22. ok thanks. but i found out in school today :)

  23. Hi is Aidain on the blog? I need to do a progect with him. Have a nice weekend!

  24. max did u accept my friend request yet? btw u spelled project wrong. its project not progect. haha if u say wat i just said aloud it sounds funny.

  25. This comment has been removed by the author.

  26. mr janow can u post the vocab words on the blog every monday? cause sometimes wen i click on the list on ur website it just tells me to login and i cant login

  27. I found Aidan!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  28. im so board and did the hw uhhh anyone onnnnn ???????

  29. so board and did we have health hw aiden ????????

  30. New Vocab for this week are here!!!!

    Moral , Stationary , Cross , Meager ,

    Forlorn , Gallows , Melancholy

    Exasperated , Marionette , Twilight

    -these words will also be on my website but I know some people have had trouble viewing them there.

  31. hii everyone!! wasnt at school today what was the homework!!!? thnksss

  32. there is a worksheet for math and scienve and u had 2 read the prologue in tuck everlasting and write a motif and a prediction

  33. Vocabulary is big fun. I am being the person who is happy. Can anyone guess who I am??????

  34. These vocabulary words sure are advanced!

  35. This comment has been removed by the author.

  36. This comment has been removed by the author.

  37. A really advanced vocabulary word is be "antidisestablishmentarianism" which is an entity or person against the destruction of the government or ruling organization/union. It really surprises me how much more useful in most sentences our vocabulary words in class are and this one is a super-advanced-and-long vocabulary word.

  38. guys i found the word "parson" in the book and i dont remember what page it was on but it was in a line of dialogue. i think it might be some old fashioned word that they used to use. i looked it up and it said:

    a member of the clergy, esp. a Protestant minister; pastor; rector.
    the holder or incumbent of a parochial benefice, esp. an Anglican. "

  39. Wow muffin man that's a really long word!!

  40. the longest word in the english language is 1,909 letters long and defines a protein chemical formula with 276 amino acids (C1289H2051N343O375S8) nick named titan. (I don't want to type the real word because it is a paragraph long).

  41. For the longest word in the english language go to http://www.answerbag.com/q_view/1600253

  42. I am annoyed no one has used the blog for the past 2 days.

  43. Hi everyone, I hope you are all enjoying having a few days off from school. Here are the new vocab words for this coming week:

    scornful , peculiar , shrug , vanity , indomitable , perilous , cavernous , elation , savior , parson
