Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Chapter 7 Question

How does a cat help the Tucks realize they are somehow different than everyone else?  Please"QUOTE" the text in your answer if possible.


  1. i think that since they are family, maybe something else happened to them that they didnt realize. so when they saw that the cat had drunk, and he didnt die, then it made them more sure and gave them more evidence.

  2. the cat had not drink the water so he died and the didnt

  3. i got mixed up cuz the horse drank but thanks yaniv

  4. the cat helped the Tuck that they are different somehow, because it would have made them think deeper about what the cat did or didn't do that the Tuck's family and the horse did or did't do.

  5. thats a better explanation than me, polarbear
